Locations In the Shreveport and Bossier City Area
- Shreveport
- Bossier City
- Keithville
- Haughton
- Logansport
- Benton
- Minden
- Princeton
- Blanchard
- Homer
- Ida
- Vivian
- Mansfield
- Greenwood
- Stonewall
- Springhill
- Gloster
- Farmerville
- Pineville
- Alexandria
- Ringgold
- Natchitoches
- Cotton Valley
- Coushatta
- Dubberly
- Greensburg
- Summerfield
- Pelican
- Hosston
- Plain Dealing
- Rodessa
- Converse
- Doyline
- Elm Grove
- Sarepta
- Oil City
- Frierson
- Keatchie
- Grand Cane
- Saline
- Many
- Sibley
- Haynesville
- Shongaloo
- Mooringsport
- Calhoun
- Heflin
- Gilliam
- Hall Summit
- Cullen
- Ward
- Ruston
- Athens
- Monroe
- Bethany
- Lisbon
- Leesville
- Jamestown
- Pitkin
- Chatham
- Spearsville
- Zwolle
- Jonesboro
- Natchez
- Robeline
- Bienville
- Cloutierville